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Birth Stories

Jordan and Tony with Baby Ethan

June 2021, San Francisco Bay Area, CA*

Written in her own words:

​"Early on in my third pregnancy I knew I wanted to have a peaceful, natural birth. My medical insurance didn’t allow for a homebirth so I started looking into ways to make a hospital birth fit into my desired birth plan. Right away I knew Lauren was the perfect fit for the help I wanted.

 During my second trimester we started working on a game plan and she helped me to map out what to do to help my body and the baby prepare for birth. Specifically, Lauren worked with me on the Spinning Babies® program. Lauren had a wealth of knowledge and experience with multiple birthing methodologies, but Spinning Babies® was what worked for me. We started with daily stretches, light workouts, and meditation. Lauren provided me with educational videos and one-on-one time going through all the questions I had. As we approached my due date she adjusted my routine to fit my needs and provided additional emotional support and encouragement.

 When it came time for my baby to arrive, Lauren met us at the hospital and responded right away with strategies to move the baby in order to help relieve my back labor and get baby better positioned for delivery. I felt strong in my body, and really wanted to be upright and moving as long as possible. We knew from my vaginal exam, that baby was not fully engaged, so Lauren knew right away a technique to help open my pelvis and help baby move down. We did the Spinning Babies® "Abdominal Lift and Tuck Technique,"  where I stood and held my belly up during each contraction, with my pelvis tucked. Just eight contractions later, I was ready to push! And I was able to birth on my hands and knees, something I've always wanted!

 I cannot express enough how instrumental Lauren’s presence was in the quick, smooth, peaceful birth of my baby. Even more than a partner, coach, or mentor, Lauren comes along side you like a family member to enable the empowering birth that you are capable of, even when you don’t believe it yourself."

 *Story and photos shared with permission. 

Newborn baby with mother
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