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Birth Stories

Jess and Kaleb with Baby Billie

September 2023, Sydney, NSW*

Written in her own words:

"My first birth was not how I imagined it would be. I went with a private obstetrician (I couldn’t book with the one that I wanted so in a panic, I went with one who I didn’t love but tolerated). I thought I did enough research on birth and believed I was informed, however, I trusted too much into what my OB told me and didn’t listen to my body or question anything. At my last check-up which was around 37 weeks, my OB said that baby was measuring on the larger side and during this appointment she also performed a cervical examination to check for ‘ripeness’ which I had no idea what it involved and I wasn’t even asked for consent prior to this being performed. Due to these, my OB booked me in for an induction the following week to avoid any ‘complications’. I wasn’t explained any of what the risks were or what the complications could be even though my pregnancy throughout was completely low risk.

I was induced at 38 weeks and had a cascade of interventions; pessary, syntocinin, epidural, ventouse and episiotomy. My baby girl came out distressed and not breathing well. She was immediately taken away, put on oxygen and then wheeled out to special care. I remember lying there being stitched up feeling like I was standing at the door watching everything unfold and not being able to say anything. I was in shock, I felt like I had no voice and had no idea what was happening or what just happened. I came out of that birth traumatised and vowing to myself that when it’s time to have another baby, my birth will be my own and I never want to feel like that again.

For my second birth I knew straight away that the first step was to find myself a doula. I researched a couple in my area (I live in western Sydney) and didn’t immediately vibe with any. I then contacted another doula outside of my area, she was booked out, however recommended Lauren and oh my gosh I am so glad she did. I knew straight away she was the person I wanted to have with us on this birth journey- it was like I had known her forever. I had already started to prepare myself for this birth by informing myself more, however Lauren had such an amazing set of resources, knowledge and experience that I knew she would make the perfect addition to my support team.

In the lead up to the birth Lauren met with myself and my husband regularly, we talked about my birth preferences, spinning babies techniques and exercises to do in the lead up and pain management. I honestly felt so prepared to bring this baby into the world. She even came to meet with my OB (yes I went private again but I had such an amazing OB- it was completely different). My OB was supportive of all of my preferences and was happy to let bub come when she was ready.

At 40 weeks (on my due date) I started to feel some cramping in my lower abdomen. I booked in to see my OB as I didn’t have any more scheduled appointments and wanted to discuss next steps (e.g. if I went over 40 weeks). We spoke about our options and I agreed to conduct a stretch and sweep and also have my cervix checked. At this point I was 3cm dilated and a stretch and sweep was performed successfully. I went home that day with period pain style cramping throughout the afternoon.

The pain started to increase slightly through the evening but I was managing with tools I had planned and discussed with Lauren. I kept in contact with her through this time and because the cramping (this was actually early labour but thought it wasn’t) was bearable and I actually thought it might be a false labour or Braxton hicks I told Lauren not to come over yet and I would keep in contact with her.

Through the night my contractions were constant and I kept managing these with the tools, meditations and visualisations I worked on with Lauren. When I woke up (I managed to get a couple of hours of sleep in), my contractions started to get more intense and asked my husband to get out the TENS machine (highly recommend!). My husband rang Lauren at this point and sent the contraction timings – at this point Lauren said head to the hospital soon and I will meet you there.

About an hour later, I went to the hospital and Lauren arrived 5 mins after. I felt so in control this time, even being in the hospital and having a midwife there that I didn’t know. I had my birth team with me and I felt so confident that my baby would know what to do if I trusted my body. Lauren suggested some amazing spinning babies techniques that my husband was able to do with me which actually helped bub get into the right position (later on I mentioned that I actually felt the change!)

I requested to have my waters broken, even though this was an intervention, I made the choice and felt it was right for me at the time. I also requested to be checked and was 7cm dilated. I hit transition soon after and wanted an epidural, however Lauren suggested that I try the gas and this worked a treat! I pushed through transition and felt ready to bear down and push baby out. However, I made everyone get on the floor because I was standing up and couldn’t make it up onto the bed so all of us (Lauren, my OB, the midwife and my husband) all got on the floor and in a couple of pushes my baby girl was out!

It was the most empowering, healing experience ever and was everything I had hoped it would be. I honestly couldn’t have done it without Lauren and am so glad she was there to provide her support and knowledge."

*Story and photos shared with permission

Newborn baby with mother
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