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Birth Stories

Amber and Matt with Baby Savannah

February 2017, San Diego, CA*

Written in her own words:

"I went into my first birth experience with my son, admittedly ignorant of the details and intricacies of childbirth. I had a doctor I trusted, an excellent hospital facility, and many friends who were pregnant and giving birth in my life. My birth plan included going to the hospital, getting the drugs, and having the baby. Birthing without medical intervention was not even a thought within the realm of my possibility. Thankfully, my pregnancy was not high risk and I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy without complications.

However, it certainly did not go as “planned.” The anesthesiologist who was scheduled to administer my epidural was busy with another mother’s complications as I was rapidly dilating and trying to manage through extreme contractions. The nursing staff were lovely, but they were in and out and not mainly focused on helping me mentally manage what I was going through. I felt in the dark and a bit helpless, just waiting on the epidural, and fear of the unknown was creeping in. I was convinced I needed the epidural to get through childbirth; when the anesthesiologist arrived and attempted to put the needle in my back, I was 10 centimeters and bearing down. Finally, I came to my senses when I couldn’t sit still long enough for him to place the epidural safely, and I asked, “Can we just say ‘forget it and just do this??!?!’’ Those words effectively removed the anesthesiologist, and a new set of medical professionals came in, and my sweet boy entered the world about 20 minutes later. I had done it. Through the contractions, pushing, and ring of fire, I felt everything, and I did it. A feat I honestly did not think I could do, even though the logical side of me knew I could. I was not mentally prepared, but my body got me through it. And it was so beautiful.

When I got pregnant with my second baby, I knew I was physically capable of giving birth without an epidural, but I also knew having a support team through the whole process would help me mentally. After doing the research I should have done before baby number one, I decided having a natural birth with little to no medical intervention was what I wanted. In addition to my supportive husband, I sought out someone with birth experience who would stay with me through the entire process, from contractions to delivery, focused only on me and my needs. Someone who would be a conduit between the medical staff and me, helping me understand what was happening and talking through everything.

Enter Lauren Severiano. Lauren was highly knowledgeable and experienced in labor and delivery; I was immediately comfortable with her as my doula and birth support. She steadfastly supported me and understood my plan of having a natural birth. She helped me consider the options of continuous verses intermittent monitoring. I ultimately chose to be monitored intermittently, with the midwives checking my baby’s heartrate by doppler every few minutes. This allowed me the freedom to move, and not be encumbered with all of the cables and medical equipment.

I didn’t even realize the value of the intimate role Lauren would play in getting me through every contraction and helping me push through even when my mind and body were ready to quit. As the contractions got stronger, she worked with me to find the right tactic and rhythm to manage through the peaks and valleys. She was integral to my birthing experience from the first contraction, to helping me decide when to go to the hospital, to interacting with the hospital staff when I couldn’t speak (because of the intensity of the contractions) and all the way through my baby girl’s most glorious birth. While I am not planning to have any more children, I would 100 times over want Lauren by my side if I was."

*Story and photos shared with permission.

Newborn baby with mother
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